Mrs. Watkins is one of our irreplaceable ag teachers! She creates many opportunities for students through her classes and her involvement in FFA!
Introducing Coach Kirkland!
Mrs. Ayo keeps us organized in our athletic department! She is a vital member of our team!
We couldn't do it without Mrs. Summers! She is our Senior Counselor at the high school. She helps keep us all on track!
Welcome to the team, Brooke Bohannan! We are so excited she's joined our team!
Introducing Mrs. Rhonda Caldwell in our English department!
Welcome to the district, Coach Cook!
Introducing Coach Dillon in our science department!
Introducing Coach Dillon in our science department!
We are so excited to welcome Darci Strong as an athletic trainer in our district! She will be a great asset to our athletes!
Mrs. Erickson is one of our highly talented ag teachers! She is in charge of all animal sciences.
Introducing Mrs. Prato, one of our invaluable paraprofessionals!
Introducing Mrs. Ashley Gandy! Mrs. Gandy is our fabulous art teacher. Her students produce some outstanding art!
Let's welcome Coach Followwell, our new math teacher and head girls basketball coach!
Introducing Ms. Ramsey!
Introducing last year's Employee of the Year, the legendary Lisa Schroeder!
Introducing one of our new Assistant Principals, Mrs. Reynolds!
Introducing music extraordinaire, Mr. To'Afa!
Coach Tharp is our aviation specialist! If you see drones on campus, they came from his class!
Introducing Mr. Gusukuma in our math department!