See You At The Pole

Varsity Football travels to Krum this Friday, 9/15. All tickets are sold online ONLY-no cash at the gate. For best results, please download your tickets ahead of time. Ticket link: https://www.krumisd.net/departments/athletics/hometown-ticket-online-ticket-sales

This week's Fox Newsletter! https://www.smore.com/71x8a

Mrs. Hall is doing great things in her class! "After learning sentence structure, my students took their notes and put them to the test. They had to find 32 different sentence types as they navigated "lasers" throughout my room. The first three winners received a prize. It was a great hands-on activity that checked their understanding."

Fox Fans: Just a reminder that all of our home event tickets are online ONLY. For best results, have your tickets downloaded before you get to the gate, since the WIFI could be limited. Thanks.

Varsity Football travels to Canton on Friday, 9/8. Canton offers online tickets as well as cash at the gate. Ticket link: https://www.cantonisd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1271586&type=d&pREC_ID=2179271

23-24 CMHS Beta Club Officers

Our Lady Foxes Varsity Volleyball team finished second in the inaugural Caddo Mills High School Volleyball Tournament. Way to go ladies! Keep working hard! We are proud of you!

September 1st FOX Newsletter! Enjoy your long weekend Foxes!

Don't forget to purchase a 2023 Homecoming Shirt! They're $20. Orders are due September 7th. Checks can be made out to Caddo Mills High School.
Contact Rhonda Caldwell or Ashley Hall with questions.

To purchase Student Accident Insurance please review the 2023/24 Supplemental Student Accidental Insurance forms located here - https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1512/Caddo_Mills_ISD/3459193/23-24_Student___Athlete_Accident_Insurance.pdf

National Honor Society (for current members) will have a mandatory meeting Wednesday, August 30, at 7:45 am in the library to vote on officers.

Beta is starting their first fundraiser for the year!! You can get some new swag while helping send our kids to State and National Conventions.
If you aren't aware, Beta Club is funded by a student activity fund which means everything we do is paid for through our fundraising.
We appreciate all of your support!
Here is the link to order:
Or you can use the QR code in the attached image.

Freshman B Team Football on Thursday, 8/31, will travel to Boles High School in Quinlan. All tickets will be cash only at the gate.

JV Football this Thursday, 8/31@ Bullard. Tickets are online only. Please have your tickets downloaded before you get to the gate due to limited WIFI. Ticket link:

This summer Ms. McAdoo and Mrs. Hamilton took lots of Beta students to Nationals in Kentucky. CMHS has since been recognized as a National Beta School of Distinction! We have the best teachers and students!

Congratulations to our 23-24 Class Officers!

Introducing one of our fabulous counselors, Mrs. Pounds!


There is a power issue in Caddo Mills and we will be releasing students early. Parents can pick up students starting at 11:45. Buses will run 3 hours ahead of schedule. If you cannot pick up your child due to work obligations or traffic issues, we can keep them on campus. Internet and phones are down district wide so please share.