Vote Caddo Mills ISD as the BEST SCHOOL DISTRICT in Hunt County!

All tickets for Friday's game at Bullard will be sold at the Caddo Mills Administration Building at the following times:
Tuesday 8am - noon
Wednesday noon - 4 pm
Thursday noon - 4 pm
Friday 8 am - noon
All tickets are $5 & no tickets will be sold onsite.

Download our Athletics App to watch volleyball and football games TONIGHT!
App store - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/caddo-mills-foxes-athletics/id1484120013
Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mm.txcaddomills&hl=en

Join us for Senior Citizen Night on Thursday, September 3rd in the Caddo Mills High School Parking lot. We will deliver meals to your vehicle! There will be performances by cheer, drill and band, and of course giveaways! We will also have information on Athletic Passes.

Insurance is available for student Chromebooks. Enrollment deadline is September 4th.

Employee convocation was different this year, but then again everything is different in 2020! One thing is for certain though- we are fired up and ready to see our students, both in-person and virtually!

Reminder that student registration is online at https://txeis10.txeis.net/ParentPortal/login?distid=116901

Please join us for a Prayer Walk in our Caddo Mills schools on Sunday August 16 at 5 PM.
Schools will be open on Sunday from 5-6 PM for anyone to walk through (come and go) and pray over our schools, students, and personnel.
Please wear masks and practice social distancing.

Caddo Mills ISD welcomed our new teachers to the district this morning with a welcome breakfast. Special thanks to CMHS Cheer for the early morning appearance!

Our superintendent and his crew thanked our hard-working summer employees this afternoon with a steak lunch. CMISD appreciates our transportation, maintenance, grounds, custodial, business and administration teams.

So great to see our staff back on campus...with social distancing, of course! #CapturingKidsHearts

TEA is offering parents a free tool to diagnose how much their students learned this year.
Parents (or students themselves) can register to take optional end-of-year tests to measure academic knowledge and skills.