Way to show courage Taiton Pettis!

Ms. Young's class joined with Mrs. Bright's class to share results of their nature walk last week. We love seeing our teachers collaborate and enhance learning for their students!

Kinder loves learning addition, especially when they get to use skittles!

Ms. King's class had a “snowball fight” then sorted their snowballs depending on if it was a noun or a verb!

4th grade is creating parallel and series circuits

Fun Friday calls for a movie at lunch!

Mrs. Chaney's and Mrs. Ramsey's 2nd grade classes have adopted desk pets! A fun reward system with lessons in responsibility!

We love to see our students lead good things in the morning!

Loraina was caught being courageous!

Gwyn Abeyta was a Junior Teacher today for reading group. She did an amazing job leading her peers through the reading process, giving praise and encouragement.

2nd grade was so excited to have outdoor recess today! ☀️

Learning multiplication problem solving in partners while we capture the flag!

More courageous cuties at Lee!

Twinning in Mrs. Tollison's class ❤️

Mrs. Tollison's class has been enjoying indoor recess this week!

Reading with a buddy in Mrs. Tollison's class this week.

Baker’s Ribs Caddo Mills-Greenville, TX stepped up and continued to support our Lee family in need with detergent, dryer sheets and gift cards!! We are so appreciative of our CMISD business partners!! 💚🦊

Indoor recess is all the fun in 4th grade!

We love to see our students leading their classmates in learning. Today, Joseph Mallon was the junior teacher for reading rotations with his peers and did an excellent job!