Our students love welcoming guests into their classrooms and introducing them to their class social contracts. It's a beautiful way for our students to create and uphold their own values every day in their learning environment through our Capturing Kids' Hearts program.

Congrats to these Katie bell ringers on more amazing accomplishments in reading and math!

Student council is ready for the parade!

Check out our weekLEE schedule and Parent Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/9j37s
Also, please complete this parent survey for Lee Elementary CKH: https://iheartckh.com/squrl/hgn37sfd

Lee 2nd Grade had fun learning how to wrap a present today! 🎁

Kalynn Ivy got to ring the bell today for a major reading accomplishment! We are so very proud of her!

Our 3rd and 4th grade students will be performing in their Christmas Concert on 12/6 at the CMHS Performing Arts Center. The performance will begin at 6pm and we would love to see you there!

Our own Mrs. Tami Marcum got to ring the Katie Bell today! She was accepted today into the alternative certification teaching program at TAMU-Commerce and we are so proud of her!

Our PTO holiday store is coming soon! Keep an eye out here and in the parent newsletter for more updates!

PreK had a wonderful thanksgiving program this week. We are so thankful for these little ones and their teachers, Mrs. Kile, Ms. Grogan, Mrs. Mulvihill and Mrs. Desimoni, for their work to put this together!

Kindergarten enjoyed a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving today!

Check out our WeekLEE parent newsletter and upcoming events after Thanksgiving break!

More Katie Bell rings to celebrate awesome math scores!

Check out all of these students who got to ring the Katie Bell! Their accomplishments in math are out of this world!

Today we celebrated our first superintendent's honor roll for each grade level. Mr. Allison presented these students with a certificate to recognize their academic achievements at Lee. We are so proud to see these students shine!

Congratulations to Waylon Evans and Madelyn Forsman for their awesome achievements in reading and math today!

Congratulations to Ms. Davis's students for their excellent math scores!

We are so proud to celebrate Callan Decker as our student of the month, and Shelbie Blackstone as our staff member of the month for November! These two are sunshine on our campus every day!

Congratulations to more Katie Bell ringers for those amazing math scores!

Congratulations to Jett Jenkins, Cambria Cox, Kenna Gravely, Juan Ruiz and Piper Pearson for getting to ring the Katie Bell for a 100 on their math test in Ms. Disman's Class!