Don't forget that today is $1 Day at Griffis. You may wear a hat and/or pjs!
Caddo Mills ISD Education Foundation hosted their Fab Fox dinner last night. Laurie Johnson was nominated as Shelby Coe's most influential teacher. Shelby was in Mrs. Johnson's 1st Grade class at Griffis! We are so proud of you both. It's a GREAT Day to be a 🦊 GO Griffis!
Third grade was excited to "visit" the Zuckerman's farm today and begin reading Charlotte's Web! 🕷️🐷
Mrs. Poteet's class started our novel Charlotte's Web today! We had a farm picnic while we read and even learned facts and opinions about spiders!
Support Scholarship $1 Day is tomorrow. Bring $1 for a hat and/or pjs!
Griffis Week at A Glance March 27-31
Congratulations to our Attendance Winners last week! Mrs. Briseno's class is in the lead with 100% attendance for March.
Mrs. Poteet’s class earned popsicles for having perfect attendance this week!
Rainy day math in PreK. If all of the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops, what a wonderful rain it would be! We sang and created addition problems with lemon drops and gumdrops.
Clouds, clouds, and more clouds!
Kindergarten has been talking about clouds this week. Today they took a trip outside to go on a cloud hunt!!
Ixl is a great tool. Parents are always welcome to sign up for a 30 day free trial for extra support for their child. Useful for pre-k through 12th grade.
Mrs. Bonny's students call this "old school" teaching. Sometimes you have to bring it back to the white board!
Mrs. Sander's Kindergarten class has been learning about the water cycle!!
It was a fun day in Mrs. McDaniel's Kindergarten class!
They had fun blending words in reading rotations and they chose a pet for Adoption Day. They promised to read to their pet 20 minutes each night!
We are so proud of you!
Spring has sprung in Mrs. Wright’s PreK. We are planting seeds of knowledge!
Our Annual 212 Community Service Day is on April 21st. If you or your student would like to purchase a shirt, please use the QR Code. Paper forms are available on campuses. All orders are due March 31st. Select the pick-up option, which will be delivered to the correct campus.
Parents and community members,
Please take a moment to complete the following survey. We value your input!
The Student Led Health Fair is coming this Saturday, March 25, from 8:00 - 12:00! Please join us in the Caddo Mills High School parking lot for a fun run, a blood drive, learn how to use an AED, have your vitals checked, and much more!
We are proud of our HOSA students and the event they have organized. We hope to see you Saturday morning!
Mrs. Nordin's 2nd grade class had fun learning about terrariums. We learned that it needs charcoal to prevent mold. We can investigate the water cycle, too! It turned out awesomely! 🌱🍃🪴🌿
Mrs. Willhoit's math classes using our NEW fraction sets to help visualize fractions when comparing! Thank you CMISD Education Foundation!
We hope you enjoyed your Spring Break! We are ready to see our Griffis students in the morning!