Our last FCA meeting is 5/23 at 7 am! We will have music, food, drinks, and a game to end the year! We still need some parent help with supplies and to help on the day of! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49A8AE2EA0FDCF8-last email Coach Looney with any questions!
STAAR Testing on Tuesday at the middle school is for 8th Grade Math and Algebra. Wednesday will be 6th and 7th Grade Math. Thursday is 8th Grade Reading. Friday is 6th and 7th Grade Reading. Please make sure your students get plenty of sleep. If they don't eat breakfast at home, we will have breakfast in the cafeteria.
Yearbooks On sale first come first serve tomorrow! $40 Cash or Check! Before or After School see Mrs Bryant or during all Lunches! Limited number available!
Thanks to our Student Council for lunch from Fiestas and our local businesses for some great Fox Nutrition Tea. We appreciate your support!!
Parents: If you received a letter this week from Mrs. Richardson in our Special Services Department with a survey link, please make sure you submit it as soon as possible. Thank you.
Mrs. Reeves had her 8th graders create their own businesses. They included QR codes this year so you can read more about them.
Soccer Camp Information
Shoutout to Coach Looney’s 3rd period leadership class for the donations to make all of our teachers gift bags. ❤️
Thank you to Thrivent Financial (and Tracy Cotten) for donating bibles for us to be able to pass out to the kiddos that needed/wanted bibles! ❤️✝️
Don't miss out on the Caddo Mills Foxfest and 5K Run on Saturday. It is always a fun day downtown with vendors, music, food, and much more. Sign up for the 5K Run and check your CMMS House Color. Have your friends and family do the same. The house with the most participants wins a reward next week. https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/CaddoMills/CaddoMillsFoxTrot2022
Join our meeting for English Language Learners.
Physical Information for Athletes
MS 7 on 7 has been canceled for tonight.
MS 7 on 7 will be held at Princeton tomorrow night. Please be there by 5:45 pm.
Mrs. Pullen’s 6th graders are enjoying the first of their garden. They approved of the radishes.
End of the Year Dance is in the books! Thanks to our chaperones, Ms, Crawford, and to Mr. Gilbert for being our DJ.
We are getting ready to send another round of military packages to our CMISD graduates. Please send addresses to apayne@caddomillsisd.org. We have six, but if you have not turned in an address to us please do so asap.
SWEET FROGS in the house! Students had visitors today. They brought coupons and lots of smiles. If you go to the Greenville location today and mention CMMS, you’ll get a $4 cup with unlimited toppings.
Reminder that all FCA meetings in
May will be on Mondays instead of Fridays! Remaining dates: 4/29, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, & 5/23!